Laravel 5.5 export excel

How to export excel in laravel and which library is best for laravel 5.5.
Deepak Sharma
Asked 12-12-2024

Answer (1)
First thing need to do i.e install Laravel maatwebsite package for use Excel facade. Just run command as below in composer or girhub bash composer require maatwebsite/excel Then open config/app.php <?php return [....     'providers' => [....         Maatwebsite\Excel\ExcelServiceProvider::class,     ],     'aliases' => [ ....         'Excel' => Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::class,     ],    .... And at last here is code for export create new method for controller. /** * Create a new controller instance. * * @return void */ public function exportFile($type){ $products = Product::get()->toArray(); return \Excel::create('download_excel_demo', function($excel) use ($products) { $excel->sheet('sheet name', function($sheet) use ($products) { $sheet->fromArray($products); }); })->download($type); }
Deepak Sharma
Asked 17-08-2019
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