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Latest Asked Questions

If data found in table then update else insert in sequlizer mysql node js Update or Insert Functionality
9    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 05-04-2024
How to get current URL or path in Blade. Get Current URL in a Blade View {{url("/")}} i am using this for getting current url.
233    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 28-08-2020
hi I want to find out distance between from latitude & longitude to latitude & longitude, for example distance between mumbai to delhi in php.
205    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 02-03-2020
How do I remove a particular element from an array in JavaScript? I have an array of numbers array = [5,9,5,10]; , and I'm using the .pop() method to remove elements from it. but only last element from array is removing..
112    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 29-01-2020
hi I want to sum 2 arrays using javascript, how can i do?
97    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 28-01-2020
How should i merge 2 arrays of objects using JavaScript; I am trying var x= {"hello":"1", "hello2":"456"}; var y= {"hi1":"852", "hi2":"9632", "hi3":"75391}"; var z = x.concat(y); but getting error.
337    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 27-01-2020
I follow these steps to create animation in angular. Enabling the animations module by importing   
251    1 Answered
Post by: Faisal Khan
Post on: 21-01-2020
Hi for loop in angular 8 showing alphabetical order <select class="cs1 form-control" id="monthselector" [(ngModel)]="currentmonth"> <option> --Select Month-- </option> <option *ngFor="let dateforMonthdays of dateforMonth | keyvalue: originalOrder" value="{{dateforMonthdays.key}}">{{dateforMonthdays.key}}</option> </select>
762    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 08-01-2020
hi guys how may in append div into another div using another div attributes; someone help me using jquery or javascript;
98    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 31-12-2019
I had to do a basic login system to protect a page, and I have no access to database so i store the username and password hard coded in php page.
387    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 23-12-2019
Hi i am trying to set variable into session but every time flush my varible . i am using $cartArr = [ "menu_id" => $input["menu_id"], "restaurent_id" => $input["menu_details"]["restaurent_id"], "item_name" => $input["menu_details"]["menu_qty_name"], "item_qty" => $input["menu_details"]["menu_qty_id"], "item_img" => $input["menu_details"]["menu_type_image"], "item_price" => $input["menu_details"]["menu_price"], ]; Session::put("my_cart", $cartValue); some help me
209    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 17-12-2019
zip -r /var/app/current
209    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 14-12-2019
How should i solve this error EXCEPTION: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot find module "app/home/home.module"
652    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 12-12-2019
hi guys i am getting this error during build project in angular Property "forRoot" does not exist on type "typeof NgxJsonLdModule" error TS2307: Cannot find module "./modules/home/home.module". 6 loadChildren: () => import("./modules/home/home.module").then(m => m.HomeModule)
1857    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 12-12-2019
When I build my application I get. error TS2339: Property "split" does not exist on type "string | string[]". Property "split" does not exist on type "string[]". How can a split not exist on a string or string[].
103    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 12-12-2019
Hi guys how click div after load page successfully i am using document.getElementById("click").click(); But getting error. So any one can help me.
76    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 12-12-2019
hi guys I want to resolve my problem related to htaccess how to redirect ip address to domain name in htaccess rewrite
113    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 23-11-2019
hi guys how should i install phpMyAdmin in linux. I am new on aws or linux
119    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 17-11-2019
hi guys, how to install mysql in linux on aws;
82    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 17-11-2019
Lets say I have something like this uid    tag 1      HeLLo 2      heLLO 3      HELLO 4      hello How can I update all values in the "tag" column to: uid    tag 1      hello 2      hello 3      hello 4      hello using MySQL?
123    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 10-11-2019
I"m trying to remove the first two characters for each row in mysql
124    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 09-11-2019
Is there a way to remove all whitespaces from a specific column for all values?
141    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 09-11-2019
How can I make a copy values from one column to another? I have: within same table
106    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 09-11-2019
I have two tables, t1 has 2 columns and table2 has 3 columns. I would like to insert values of t1 col1 and t1 col2 into `t2 of one column.
185    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 09-11-2019
Hi guys i want to convert milliseconds into hours, minutes and seconds in php i am using date(h:s:i, $time); but not working.
173    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 30-10-2019
How to Change Browser URL without reloading refreshing page using HTML5 in JavaScript and JQuery
161    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 24-10-2019
I want counter, that increase or change the value of div every second using javascript or jquery.
2697    2 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 20-10-2019
hi how to know next month days in php
154    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 15-10-2019
Hi team how to calculate remains days in a current month using php.
180    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 15-10-2019
Hi guys how to set flashdata in ci
204    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 04-10-2019
Hi i am using tcpdf and last 2 days showing error imagecreatefrompng() failed to open stream: HTTP request failed <big>I am using on same server imagecreatefrompng("");</big>
836    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 27-09-2019
How to export excel in laravel and which library is best for laravel 5.5.
219    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 17-08-2019
How to install dompdf in laravel???
262    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 03-08-2019
HTML <fieldset> Tag The <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form. The <fieldset> tag draws a box around the related elements.
112    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 04-06-2019
$cookie_name = "sendsmsalert2"; $cookie_value = "send done"; setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400), "/"); function get() { $cookie_name = "sendsmsalert"; if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { echo "Cookie named "" . $cookie_name . "" is not set!"; } else { echo "Cookie "" . $cookie_name . "" is set!<br>"; echo "Value is: " . $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]; } }
127    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 22-05-2019
how to search live data from div using javascript
188    2 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 16-05-2019
how to implement autocomplete using jquery
123    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 14-05-2019
Hi i want to fetch data row from database in model i created model but how to get multiple rows and single row query.
138    1 Answered
Post by: Harsh Aggrawal
Post on: 07-05-2019
Hi my problem is how to get and post resquest on same controller, my routes shown error.
647    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 07-05-2019
Any one help me to create canvas object in html using javascript.
180    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 04-01-2019
The opacity property specifies the opacity/transparency of an element.

Image Transparency

The  opacity  property can take a value from 0.0 - 1.0. The lower value, the more transparent:
121    1 Answered
Post by: Faisal Khan
Post on: 17-11-2018
The CSS box-shadow property applies shadow to elements. In its simplest use, you only specify the horizontal shadow and the vertical shadow: Example: div { box-shadow: 10px 10px grey; }
272    1 Answered
Post by: Faisal Khan
Post on: 17-11-2018
JavaScript String match() Method
162    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 04-11-2018
How to remove html tag from string in php
137    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 04-11-2018
hi i want to add 60 days in current date in php
341    2 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 28-10-2018
I have an array where I want to search the userid and get the key of the array.
183    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 28-10-2018
Hi i want how to how to sort product data by name and price in jquery please help me any one
251    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 10-10-2018
Is it possible to set the rotation point in CSS3? The default rotation point is at the 50%, 50%. I tried: -webkit-transform: rotate(230deg); -webkit-rotation-point:90% 90%; But it does not work... Any suggestions?
158    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 02-10-2018
have two radio buttons and want to post the value of the selected one. How can I get the value with jQuery? I can get all of them like this: $("form :radio") How do I know which one is selected?
189    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 02-10-2018
I want to redirect my dmoain always with www i am using this code but not working. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c><p /> <xmp>RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L] </IfModule>
165    1 Answered
Post by: Harsh Aggrawal
Post on: 02-10-2018
Codeigniter $this->db->affected_rows() always returns 1
267    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 16-09-2018
I tried to send ios push notification in php sample code but getting error of Failed to connect: 111 Connection refused pls help me.
596    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 15-09-2018
Search Engine optimization 
282    1 Answered
Post by: Prashant Soni
Post on: 27-07-2018
Hi guys i want to sort value in multi dimension array in php.
231    2 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 25-07-2018
How can I refresh a page with jQuery?
201    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 22-07-2018
If I want to redirect to another page in my HTML file, do in have to place the meta tag in the
668    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 22-07-2018
How to round of number uto 2 decimal points.
184    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 22-07-2018
Hi want to add 3 hours in current date nand time in php?
227    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 22-07-2018
Hi help me I have a 3 array I want to merge then.
172    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 21-07-2018
how to convert word into array in php?
175    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 20-07-2018
How to Convert a string to an array in php?
245    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 20-07-2018
How to delete data From database Using CodeIgniter?
169    1 Answered
Post by: Faisal Khan
Post on: 19-07-2018
I want confirmation alert before doing submition of form?
178    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 19-07-2018
I want to get current class name and method name in codeIgniter.
223    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 19-07-2018
Redirect to referrer url in codeigniter
354    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 19-07-2018
how to get ip address in codeigniter?
248    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 19-07-2018
how would I go about updating that field by 1 within a sql command?
240    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 17-07-2018
With MySQL, how would I updating table field by 1 within a sql command?
184    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 17-07-2018
I would like to count the occurrence of each duplicate item in an array and end up with an array of only unique/non duplicate items with their respective occurrences.
160    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 16-07-2018
Show splash screen only when launching the app from launcher
55    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 16-07-2018
What is HTML?
144    1 Answered
Post by: Deepak Sharma
Post on: 16-07-2018
Hello I am using document.getElementById("Button").disabled = "disable" but am getting error, help me
218    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 10-07-2018
how to get the number of days of the current month? in PHP
198    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 09-07-2018
Hi I want to delete image/file from folder/directory, how I can delete in php
201    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 06-07-2018
Hi I want to display uploaded image in html using javascript. How i can to it.
215    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 05-07-2018
Hi, I want to display html tags entity on my web page, how i can do.
127    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 04-07-2018
I want to create tooltip using title in html .
199    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 04-07-2018
Please tell me about android and how will I start developing android app.
139    1 Answered
Post by: Harsh Aggrawal
Post on: 29-06-2018
How is can find the last element of an array while using a foreach loop in PHP
261    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 29-06-2018
codeigniters where and or where I am trying to use if($cat_id){ $this->db->where("q.question_cat_id",$cat_id); if($sub){ $this->db->where_or("q.question_sub_id",$cat_id); } } But geting error..
147    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 28-06-2018
php stdclass storing data object instead click below... $data["list"] = array("0"=> (object) array("category_name"=>$catName));
163    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 28-06-2018
<?php echo strip_tags("Hello <b>world!</b>"); ?>
210    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 28-06-2018
I am wondering if is there any way to remove all domain site cookies and sessions params.
188    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 28-06-2018

How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery?

130    2 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 27-06-2018
How to change event of select option using jquery?
213    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 27-06-2018
What is a PHP File?
244    1 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 26-06-2018
What is PHP?
183    4 Answered
Post by: Ankur Rajput
Post on: 26-06-2018
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